project profile: kelvin grove, part 3

and just like that, it's almost september?! wth.

it feel's that the last i checked, it was easter - and things were just warming up outside... but with school soon out and the sun shining long - it seemed everyone was off enjoying their summer holidays, and we were no exception...!  

of course, it's wasn't all play and no work - the crews over at kelvin grove were keeping very busy these last few months, and i've been hoarding the evidence of that on my hard drive! time to share :)

the exterior is near completion - with landscaping just wrapped up and finishing touches falling into place. looking fab i dare say? inside is much the same, where things are taking shape and quickly coming to life..! a few hi-lights? drywall is done and primed; cabinets are in and ready for counters - the much anticipated taj mahal (luxuriously leathered btw!); penny rounds are a GO!; furniture and draperies are being decided (the luccia sofa will be a stunner, just sayin')...and final paint selections are imminent! 

there'll be no signs of slowing down as we head into fall - with so many more finishes and fixtures to unveil in the weeks ahead! stay tuned for more - and welcome back to kelvin grove...!